Permanent Cosmetics Aftercare

  1. After the topical anesthetic wears off, you may feel some tenderness on or around the tattooed area.  You may also experience some redness/soreness or slight puffiness the day of the procedure.  This typically fades within 24-48 hours.  Do not take aspirin, as this promotes bleeding.  Tylenol/ibuprofen may be taken for temporary pain relief.  Excessive alcohol should also be avoided for 1-2 days.
  2. You will leave the appointment with aquaphor on your brows (a thick, clear ointment similar to antibiotic ointment).  You will leave this on and not rinse it off.  After 2-3 days, the aquaphor will absorb into your skin and your brows will begin to dry out.  During this time, you will start to moisturize by applying a thin layer once a day, with the lightweight moisturizer that has been provided.  DO NOT use aquaphor during this time as it is too thick during this stage of the healing process.  
  3. Do not do any heavy exercise or anything that promotes excessive perspiration for a minimum of 3 days,  (ideally 10-14 days, or until the brows have finished peeling) to avoid pigment loss.
  4. By the end of the appointment, your brows will begin to oxidize (turn darker). Do not panic, as they may become up to 40% darker. By around the 4th day, they will begin to flake off and the color will appear to be very light or almost missing completely.  In the week to follow after the initial peeling phase, the original chosen color will return.
  5. Fading or loss of pigment/patchiness may occur. This can typically be resolved at the follow up appointment.  Some skin can be more resistant than others, and results can never be guaranteed.  Microblading is an art and skin is an unpredictable variable, but we will work together to do everything possible to give you the desired result.
  6. Once fully healed, use sunscreen to avoid fading and hyperpigmentation.  Avoid using any products with alpha hydroxy acids, topical vitamin C, brow tints or any heavy exfoliators, such as microdermabrasion directly on your brows.  These types of products will strip, bleach, or wear away the color.
  7. Do not get your brows wet for 10-14 days, or until they are done peeling. Avoid any water exposure (such as swimming, or getting your face wet in the shower) during this time. As soon as your brows are done peeling you can resume your normal shower/skin care routine. 
  8. Do not apply makeup to the tattooed area for 10-14 days following the procedure.  If there are any bare spots after your brows finish peeling, you can use brow makeup until you are seen for your follow up appointment.  
  9. Do not pick or scratch at your tattoo as it heals. Itchiness on and off throughout the process is normal. Let your skin naturally exfoliate and flake off. 
  10. After the brows are no longer peeling (about 10-14 days after the procedure) feel free to use a gentle/unscented moisturizer if the area is dry.

Remember that your results are dependent on your adherence to the aftercare guidelines!